About Parking Appeals Partners

Founded in 2019, Parking appeal partners was formed after the founder realised that there was a substantial imbalance when it came to the issuing of PCNs in the UK.

It became apparent that councils were using penalty charges as a means to generate income, setting up hundreds of restrictions in cash cow locations, failing to maintain road markings and inadequate signage down to private parking firms issuing millions of parking charge notices a year, most of which are not compliant, to unsuspecting motorists.

The success of parking companies is mainly down to confusion and a lack of knowledge of parking laws amongst drivers, which means drivers end up paying, sometimes non-compliant parking tickets

Parking Appeal Partners felt that the odds were always stacked against the motorists in England & Wales. Besides the independent Adjudicators and POPLA there was nobody to really help the motorist and apply scrutiny to these matters, where the motorist may have been unable to do so themselves.

We can help you with:

- Appealing your PCN
- Reducing your PCN back to the discounted amount
- Assist in defending county court claims for unpaid parking charge notices
- Help you with Bailiffs
- Assist and give advice with regards to setting aside CCJs (County Court - Judgements) for unpaid parking charge notices

We simply want to ensure the scales are balanced in this sector and that motorists are not being needlessly pursued for an unfair, non-compliant PCN.