Our victories

If you can’t find the answer to your question, please contact us

How long does it take to receive an outcome to my appeal?

Private parking appeals -  Most operators will respond within 35 days of submitting an appeal.

Council and TFL- If the penalty charge was issued for a parking contravention (parked without a permit/parked with wheels on the kerb) then the council have up 56 days to respond to formal representations.

If it was a moving contravention (box junction/bus lane) there is no statutory time frame on responding to representations, however London Tribunals have deemed up to 3 months is acceptable.

Charge certificate & Order for Recovery - This can take anywhere between 2 - 6 weeks for a reply.

What is the process?

Simply create an account, pay for the  service you require (unless your mater relates to a County Court, CCJ or Bailiff matter, in which instance we will invoice manually)

Upon receipt of payment all cases will be actioned within 2 working days.

You will be updated via your customer account with the outcome or of any relevant change.

Why should I use Parking Appeal Partners?

We are experts! We have in depth, extensive knowledge of legislation, contract law and traffic regulations. You can relax knowing that we will handle the appeals process from start to finish, providing necessary updates when required.

Once I pay does that mean you can win my appeal?

Whilst we do not guarantee cancellation of your PCN, we do only take on cases that we are confident we can win. As such we have a money back guarantee in place subject to terms and conditions*

You appealed my PCN and they rejected it, what happens next?

It is not uncommon for local authorities and private parking companies to reject initial appeals, however the fee we charge covers all stages of appeal, this means that even if your appeal is rejected, depending on the stage its at we can progress to the next stage of appeal. Council PCN’s can be appealed all the way to London Tribunals and Private PCN’s have an independent appeals service called POPLA.

How does the Moneyback guarantee work?

In the rare event we cannot get your PCN cancelled we will issue a refund in line with our terms and conditions, except for in the following circumstances:
- Your ticket was appealed prior
- You paid the PCN whilst an appeal was in progress
- You paid the PCN after a first rejection without notifying us
- Letter before Claim/County Court
- Private IPC members
- wBailiff Stage

I have paid my PCN already, can you still help me?

Unfortunately, once you make payment the matter is deemed to be closed and we will not be able to help.

I have bailiffs knocking at my door for an unpaid penalty charge, can you help with this?

Yes, we can apply to have enforcement action suspended and then have the original penalty charge re issued.

How do I know if my PCN was issued by the council or a private parking company?

A council PCN is called a PENALTY CHARGE NOTICE it will normally have the council’s name at the top of the notice. A private PCN is called a PARKING CHARGE NOTICE. They can look similar so always read the wording thoroughly.

I have received a County Court Claim form for a parking ticket, can you help me?

Yes we definitely can!

We have a proven track record of helping people like yourself defend these claims.

We have managed to get the claims discontinued in most cases or would assist you all the way to court and aim to have the claim dismissed.

If you have received a claim form DO NOT IGNORE, get in touch with us.

I have received a County Court Claim form for a parking ticket, can you help me?

We have helped many people have CCJs set aside.

There are one of two ways we can do this depending on the circumstances. Get in touch with us to discuss your options.

Bailiffs have clamped my car and its on finance, are they allowed to do this?

No they cannot.

Legislation makes it very clear exactly what Enforcement Agents can and can't do. The Tribunals,Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 states that 'an agent may only take control of goods that are the goods of the debtor' As a vehicle on lease or finance and the final payment has not been made, the vehicle is not legally yours. They cannot and should not be interfering with your vehicle. If your car has been clamped illegally by bailiffs get in contact with us.