

We can stop enforcement action and get the original PCN cancelled or reduced.

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Received a notice of enforcement or a REMOVAL NOTICE in large capital letters?? Or perhaps you have bailiffs banging down your front door at 6.05 in the morning demanding payment for a penalty charge debt you knew nothing about!

We see this countless times and it’s happening increasingly more to motorists all over UK.

If a penalty charge notice remains unpaid and ignored the council register the PCN as a debt with the Traffic Enforcement Centre and then instruct Enforcement Agents like Marstons, CDER Group, Bristow and Sutor, Equita and Newlyn to recover the debt.

Enforcement Agents (or bailiffs as more commonly used) have very strict laws they have to abide by including issuing notices of enforcements, fees, and what they can and can’t take control of.

Unfortunately time and time again we are witnessing many enforcement agents who do not play nice and use very dirty tactics to extort money from unknowing motorists for large amounts of money.

One of the main ways they do this is by sending misleading notices out “we will remove goods from your home” or they will clamp your car, which is a major inconvenience for some. Whilst enforcement agents can clamp a car, they are limited in a number of circumstances.

- Vehicles on finance
- Lease vehicles
- Vehicles with a Blue Badge on display

However, there are a large number of EAs that will still clamp vehicles on finance. This is not allowed and there is case law and legislation to support this. We have been able to successfully get the enforcement agents to remove clamps when clamped illegally.

We believe every motorist in circumstances like this, should be able to state their case and have the opportunity to deal with their PCN if there has been an issue or good reason that their PCN has reached this stage.

We deal with bailiffs every day and we can assist you in suspending and cancelling enforcement action.

Use the form below to submit an enquiry:

If you have more than one PCN submit one enquiry for each *