Order for recovery

£15 - £35

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At this point appeals are unlikely to be accepted by councils.

Sometimes there are situations where customers haven’t been sent the original penalty charge (notice to owner) in the post and haven’t had the opportunity to appeal.

In limited circumstances some councils will still accept an appeal if you can demonstrate or evidence why the appeal is late.

If the charge certificate remains unpaid for a period of 14 days, the council can take the next steps in the statutory process and issue an order for recovery.

The order for recovery incurs a court fee of £8 and you are given 21 days to action the letter before it’s passed over to bailiffs.

When you receive an order for recovery depending on the type of contravention, moving – bus lane etc or parking – single yellow etc you will do a witness statement or a statutory declaration, within this you can explain why you don’t agree with the PCN and why it’s reached this stage.

We understand that these processed can be daunting and many people attempt to do this themselves but make fundamental mistakes along the way, we can assist you with this.