Parking Charge Notice
Parking charge notices are invoices for an alleged breach of the terms and conditions of a carpark on private land.
Parking Charge Notices are usually confused with Penalty Charge Notices because they appear similar in appearance, but they are in fact totally different. One of the main differences is that private parking charges are based on contract law and as such the only way you can be made to pay anything is by being taken to small claims court, the parking company would have to win their claim against you.
Currently private parking forms are unregulated so the majority of appeals are rejected, people who may overstay for 2 minutes in a car park, people who park in their own residents bay, motorists who may enter a 0 instead of an o. Many simply refuse to exercise discretion or accept mitigation as grounds for an appeal.
Here at Parking Appeal Partners we appeal these parking charges using law as well as evidenced backed facts. This way we are able to ensure the best outcome for our customers.
If you have more than one PCN submit one enquiry for each *