Penalty Charge Notice


Penalty charge notices are notices issued for an alleged contravention issued by the council or TFL (transport for London).

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Penalty charge notices are enforceable and non payment of these PCN’s can lead to an increase in costs and worse case a visit from the Bailiffs, so it’s always best to appeal these if you know or believe you have grounds for appeal.

There are many reasons why penalty charge notices can be cancelled, sometimes the signs or road markings are not clear or adequate, the council have made a procedural error or sometimes the notices are invalid.

Councils do unfortunately see parking enforcement as a way to generate income and as such tend to refuse appeals when you have valid grounds, a lot of cases end up going to the environment and traffic adjudicators where they will make decisions based on facts and law.

Approximately 55% that go to the environment and traffic adjudicators are successful looking at reports from previous years.